Saturday, August 26, 2006

Hate Mail Post #3

You know, when I took my little work blog in a political direction what seems like so long ago, I had visions. Dreams I tell you. I saw myself as part of the great national debate, taking on smug little bow-tie wearing conservative pricks in the battle of ideas, and after a long and hard fought struggle of wit and intellect, emerging victorious to save the world from itself. Instead I get this:

drugnazi - you smart person you! Sex education, free condoms, low cost contraception and your rhetoric have caused more abortions than one cares to think about. Destruction of human life, which is what Plan B is, along with your science makes for a wonderful world.

Christ is the answer - the only answer, drugnazi and when you die, science ain't gonna get you anywhere but hell.

I know some of you may be asking the obvious question raised by this post. How does this person know how many abortions one cares to think about? I happen to think of abortions 24/7. Sometimes I won't go to sleep because I cannot be assured that I won't dream of them. I fantasize about fetuses still in the womb getting pregnant so they can have abortions before they are born. Abortions Abortions Abortions. I can't get enough.

So when this person says that my rhetoric....mine! "Caused more abortions than one cares to think about", quite frankly I am humbled. Humbled and flattered. My sincerest thank you, you fucking inarticulate dumbass. Now thank me for giving you a second of my time.


Anonymous said...

HUH?? How is it exactly that contraception causes abortions?
There's just no dealing with people who make up their own reality. As far as Plan B goes, chalk one up for us in the "win"

Chloe said...

D U M B A S S. The internet is full of them.

On the plus side, getting hate mail? That's the first sign you're making it big in the blog world. It means stupid people are stumbling onto your blog and are unable to keep their hate-filled vitriol to themselves for fear that you'll influence the children! The precious children! to have abortions, or cut their toenails less frequently, or breastfeed, or whatever-the-fuck-they-think-is-morally-reprehensible-to-do. Wow, that was a very badly structured sentence-- my apologies.

Anyway, kudos to you! Doing it up right!

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr. Drug Nazi,

Indeed, "you smart person".

I will suggest to you sir that, along with the rise in abortions, caused single handedly by "your rhetoric", you are attempting to build a device in your glass cubicle to hinder free speech among the intellectually unenlightened.

Where may I send a donation to further your research on such a device?

DrugMonkey, Master of Pharmacy said...

Curiously enough, I've found that the device seems to be powered by scotch.

A case or two sent to my ISP should move the research along quite nicely.

Anonymous said...

You think *you* want to stab this person in the eye... I'm pro-life and have made it my quest to educate everyone who'll listen about Plan B. If I thought I could get away with it, I'd steal it from my pharmacy and give it away for free.

philskaren said...

I'd like OC's put into the water.....

Stonegiant said...

I personally think she needs to prove the existence of "God" before proving that your "rhetoric" caused all these abortions.

Yes, I'm an agnostic atheist, thank you.